K-Means Clustering of @plotlygraphs Twitter Followers

0.1 Install Packages & Setup Twitter API 0.2 Clean Data 0.3 Elbow Plot - Estimate Number of Centers 0.4 k-means Clustering 0.5 Plot.ly Scatter Plot of Results 0.5.1 Build Dataset for Plotly 0.5.2 Push to Plot.ly, Open Browser to View Plot 0.6 Credits & Helpful Links The following is a step by step instructions on how to replicate what I’ve created: https://plot.ly/~hianalytics/168 The hardest part is step 1 but the rest is straightforward. Feel free to reach out with any questions! Justin justin@harborislandanalytics.com 0.1 Install Packages & Setup Twitter API How To Link for Twitter API Setup library(rmarkdown) install.packages("twitteR", dependencies=T)...…

How to Use Plot.ly and ggplotly with R Markdown

I. Plot.ly + R Markdown Example In a previous post-Google Analytics, R & Plot.ly, I shared an example of how to create a heatmap throught Plot.ly using Google Analytics data. Recently, the Plot.ly team has released another function called 'ggplotly'. It a super-simple-yet-amazing way to render a ggplot graph (built locally in R) in Plot.ly. But before I share how to do this, I'd like to also show in more detail how to built and embedd a Plot.ly plot as an iframe within a single page using RMarkdown and Plot.ly's R API. That way, you'll be able to more fully...…